Move up…

A funny blog post about doing the housework, from Midlife Dramas in PyjamasI clean my house from top to bottom once a week. It should take me – at most – a morning. How long does it actually take me? A full day.

Why? Because every time I go into a bedroom I have to flop onto the bed and have a loll.

It’s not a choice – it’s a fundamental necessity. I have tried resisting the urge, but what harm am I doing?

Yesterday was no different. Made it as far as first child’s bedroom and that was that. Once I’d flopped I realised I felt rather tired, so turned over – quite happily – to have a snooze. Quite happily that is until my stomach flopped over with me, and requested that I move up as it didn’t have enough room.

Quickly got up and decided to get on with the cleaning. Think from now on it will only take me a morning.

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